Subscription Messaging & Discounts @ Chegg

Role: Product Design Director
Timeline: 2022-2023

  • Problem Statement

    Only 6% of 9.4M registered users had created an account and committing to a subscription membership. The number one blocker for students was price point.

  • Challenges

    Users were unaware that coupons were an option.

    The messaging was strictly through email which was not the most common journey.

  • Actions

    Our hypothesis was that placing coupon messaging in the most common flow would increase awareness.

    We optimized the experience by focusing on clear messaging, a strong yet non-invasive visual and an easy way to apply the discount.

    We ran a 10% sample size test and iterated on our learnings. Some of those learnings were to make sure leverage urgency through the use of a timer, optimizing for mobile devices, and personalizing for repeat users.

  • Results

    After project was scaled to 100% we saw a 2.3% CVR lift or $2.6 million dollar financial impact.


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